celtic night performers



Quanti Minoris (castelrock - or medieval street big beat) In terms of genre, Quanti Minoris can be classified as historical folk rock with Celtic roots. The castle-like form of rock, i.e. "castle rock", can be considered the most appropriate designation. Repertoire of Q.M. in addition to his own work, he mostly composed poetry by medieval authors (anonymous, but also well-known such as F. Villon). The music is my own and is only inspired by music from the 13th-17th century. A melodic line with a supporting medieval element using replicas of historical instruments is passed over a rock base.

The result is a musical direction that is harder to classify stylistically, but it is all the more interesting for its sound color (gemshorn, shalmai, crooked horn, recorders, flute with bladder, chalumeau, transverse flute, lute, quinterna, viola da gamba-alto). This music fits equally well in the environment of castles and chateaux, as well as on the stages of folk, rock, ethno and world music festivals.